- August 9, 2014: Pam showed us around.
- August 15, 2014: Made an offer: $315,000.
- September 5, 2014: (Friday) Took possession.
- September 5 - 7, 2014: Carol at cabin.
- September 24, 2014: Explornet installed: $859.86 for the year.
- October 4, 2014: (Saturday) Fall ditch cleanup.
- October 26, 2014: Firewood from Bob Robblee: $250.
- November 21, 2014: Overhead line fire.
- November 26, 2014: Replaced overhead triplex: $997.50.
- December 22 - 27, 2014: Sue at Cabin.
- May 2, 2015: Kitchen delivery from IKEA $7561.47.
- May 2, 2015: (Saturday) Spring ditch cleanup.
- May 14 - 18, 2015: Kitchen installation.
- June 18, 2015: Found pinhole in pressure tank.
- June 20, 21 2015: Replace pressure tank and plumbing.
- June 24, 2015: Porcupine under the deck.
- June 26 2015: Tear out shower.
- July 5, 2015: Bought roof: $2555 down.
- July 10, 2015: Finished bathroom.
- July 10, 2015: Septic pumped.
- July 20 - 29, 2015: Carol, Cherie and Hannah at cabin.
- August 1, 2015: Roof on outhouse.
- August 2, 2015: Roof delivered.
- August 8, 2015: Pig roast.
- August 10 -14, 2015: Roof installed.
- August 27, 2015: Eavestroughs.
- August 28, 2015: Bought red canoe.
- August 29, 30 2015: Trim painting started.
- September 8, 2015: Another cord of wood from Bob Robblee
- September 27, 2015: Finished trim painting.
- October 3, 2015: Ditch cleanup, cancelled due to inclement weather.
- October 5-8, 2015: Bear at Kalanchas.
- October 10, 2015: Bear killed in Red Lodge Estates
- October 11, 2015: Thanksgiving. Had Rick, Kate, Juli & Paul. Last canoe.
- October 12, 2015: Some cleanup and brought in canoes.
- October 25, 2015: Finished winter cleanup. Added siding to kitchen side of house.
- November 5, 2015: Electricians for hood vent and baseboards.
- January 9, 2016: Bought the new snowblower.
- May 29, 2016: Moose on wildlife cam.
- April 14, 2016: Found chunk of moose in driveway.
- April 24, 2016: Replaced lights on main floor.
- May 6, 2016: Built platform deck with Kate and Rick
- May 8, 2016: Built new picnic table
- May 14, 2016: Assembled and installed the bee hive. Barney had run in with the porcupine.
- May 17, 2016: Delivery of Gravel for firepit, picnic table and driveway.
- May 20, 2016: Did firepit and picnic table.
- May 27, 2016: Dug the trench for the underground powerline.
- May 28, 2016: Laid the conduit and filled in the trench.
- May 30, 2016: Painted the cabin.
- June 11, 2016: Pulled the cable through the conduit.
- June 17, 2016: Got Electrical Permit.
- June 25, 2016: Band jam.
- July 3, 2016: Julie VanRosendaal Brisket dinner.
- July 10, 2016: Water crock.
- July 21, 2016: Bee swarm.
- July 23, 2016: Markerville Longtable dinner.
- August 2, 2016: New adirondack chairs from Costco.
- August 30, 2016: Sign got damaged by a moose.
- September 5, 2016: Installed the new meter.
- September 11, 2016: Load of wood from Bob Robblee.
- September 12, 2016: Switched over to underground service.
- October 3, 2016: Moose in the yard.
- November 6, 2016: Replaced radio.
- December 23, 2016: Mom to Cabin.
- December 24, 2016: Dan and Stef to Cabin.
- December 29, 2016: Chathamites off to airport.
- February 3, 2017: Quote for new glass in kitchen window $600.
- February 4, 2017: Dumpling making day at Kate and Rick's.
- February 16, 2017: New glass for kitchen window.
- February 17, 2017: River broke up. 6 pm covered in ice, 9 pm up to 2nd rung of ladder and flowing.
- February 18, 2017: Log Splitter - split up the rest of my bucked logs.
- March 15, 2017: Back at cabin - ice frozen over again.
- March 17, 2017: Ice started cracking.
- April 5, 2017: Met with Carl re: Barn.
- May 1, 2017: Bob and Art helped fell some trees for the barn.
- May 3, 2071: Cleaned up and ready for gravel.
- May 4, 2017: Gravel done.
- May 5, 2017: Ditch Cleanup.
- May 5, 6 2017: Murphy's.
- May 8, 2017: Barn installed.
- May 19, 2017: Coyotes pretty active (with pups).
- May 27, 2017: Scott came out, golfed at Sundre, Beef ribs - 3 hours, foiled, shut down smoker, went and golfed.
- June 9, 2017: Moose came up the river.
- June 17, 2017: Chris and Rob back to the cabin between golf rounds.
- July 4, 2017: Built new hive.
- July 17, 2017: Ordered Firepit snuffer from Sureway Metal.
- July 20, 2017: Picked up Firepit snuffer.
- July 21, 2017: Septic and Outhouse pumped out by Kendze Septic.
- July 22, 2017: Bought the wood for firewood shed.
- July 23, 2017: Started the firewood shed.
- July 28. 2017: Ordered roof for firewood shed.
- July 29, 2017: Taste of Markerville: Kate, Rick, Saccos, Lawson and Louise.
- July 30, 2017: Moved existing split wood into the new shed.
- August 2, 2017: Firewood shed complete.
- August 7, 2017: Builder snooping around the cabin.
- August 20, 2017: Got the fire pump.
- August 25, 2017: Another cord of wood from Bob Robblee: $215.
- September 2, 2017: Extracted honey.
- March 2, 2018: Girls weekend, septic frozen.
- March 4, 2018: Onsite Pressure Washing thawed it out.
- March 5, 2018: New Stock tank heater - outlet pooched.
- March 6, 2018: Onsite again to thaw it out, repaired leaking toilet and back sink elbow.
- March 13, 2018: Warm enough to check on bees - dead, fixed outlet in septic lid.
- April 19, 2018: Breakup started.
- April 21, 2018: Most went, ice jam at corner.
- April 22, 2018: Flooded over bank - through area towards road.
- April 23, 2018: Ice jam at Red Lodge Park - voluntary evacuation of Silver Lagoon. Not as bad as yesterday.
- May 26, 27, 2018: Murphy's at cabin.
- June 4, 2018: Stone path to river.
- June 18, 2018: Stacked more wood.
- July 21, 2018: Barb and Meg at cabin.
- August 21, 2018: Pickles.
- August 25, 2018: More pickles.
- September 1, 2018: Tomatoes and chili sauce. Made a brisket too.
- September 22, 2018: Moose (and snow!).
- November 23, 2018: Donair making weekend.
- January 1, 2019: Chinnerys at New Years.
- January 26, 2019: Cabbage Roll Fest.
- March 23, 2019: River out - no flooding.
- April 29, 2019: Moose.
- April 20, 2019: Turkey for Easter with Cate and Rick.
- May 4, 2019: Saccos, Cougar prints on walk.
- May 11, 2019: New tractor.
- May 17, 2019: Moose down river.
- May 18, 2019: Barn ramp.
- May 19, 2019: Brisket cook.
- June 30, 2019: Smoked another brisket to bring to Chinnery Canada Day Party.
- July 14. 2019: Parker visit - another brisket.
- August 3, 2019: Chinnerys and Murphys all at cabin. Scott's last visit.
- August 14, 2019: Septic pumped - Kendze $262.50.
- August 30, 2019: Labour day with Marilyn. Canned jam and pickles.
- September 21-22, 2019: Canning of the tomatoes.
- October 12, 2019: New straight shower neck.
- October 13, 2019: Thanksgiving w/ Saccos. Deconstructed turkey.