Winter: On Leaving — Draining the System

  • Turn off power to Water Heater (A) and Well Pump (B).
  • Fill Kitchen Sink w/warm water to wash hands.
  • Open DRAINS: open both ball valves at (S), Hot Water Heater (J), Pressure Tank Drain (K), Main Hot Water (M). Make sure they are all draining and not frozen. If frozen, turn heat onto drain elbow where it goes into floor drain.
  • OPEN all TAPS. hot and cold in mudroom sink, Bathroom Slnk, bathtub, kitchen sink.
  • And then once the mudroom sink is no longer running... Open the Water Heater Air Tap (Q)
  • Drain toilet: Flush toilet. Unscrew the bell and rod in the tank. Empty Tank and Toilet bowl as much as you can by Scooping & Siphoning water into the sink, and then use sponge. You won't get it bone dry, but get most of it. Pour one cup antifreeze into the tank. Reattach ball and rod. Add antifreeze to the toilet bowl until it completely covers the hole or sewer gas will escape & stink.
  • Pour one cup antifreeze into bathroom sink and one cup into bathtub drain.
  • After system has drained for few minutes. Open blue valves under utility sink. (T & R) If any water comes out of (T) you opened it too soon. Close it again and wait. Empty cup into mudroom sink. Both valves should be just air by now.
  • Pour 1 cup antifreeze down mudroom sink drain. Leave one cup in the container for pouring into the kitchen sink after you've washed up and done.
  • Unplug heat tapes: Pressure Tank (C) and tub (D)
  • Open air valve (P - little one behind) until some air sucks. Empties line to the well.
  • Blow hard into kitchen sprayer to try to drain the whole hose. Wash hands and pour antifreeze down kitchen sink last.
  • Make sure electric baseboard heaters are turned off upstairs. (6&7, 8&9, 10&11)
  • IN COLD WINTER (0c or colder), timer and floating stock tank heater must be on for one to two hours per day.

Winter - Closing, November 2007

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